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We are pleased to report that in the last weeks we have had the opportunity to participate in advising the company GAS N2ITROGEN, S.L. (GASN2) in relation to the development by this company of the DAR (Autonomous Breathing Device or in Spanish Dispositivo Autónomo de Respiración) ventilator, indicated for patients with severe respiratory failure associated with COVID-19 disease, an infection caused by the so-called coronavirus 2 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS-CoV-2.
The DAR is a VMI-type device, which acts on the patient through an endotracheal tube or tracheotomy and differs from VMNI-type devices, which act at the level of some type of face mask.
The DAR device, arising from GASN2’s R&D activity, does not incorporate sophisticated elements that limit its production and prevent rapid, massive and delocalised manufacture if necessary. Thus, the DAR can be manufactured in a simple way and in short times, providing a solution for hospital intensive care units in emergency situations.
The device has been authorized by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to be used in clinical trials, through which it allows rapid access to the market for both medicines and healthcare products, avoiding the inevitable delays resulting from the exhaustive evaluation and prior analysis of products needed in a health emergency situation.
At Vidal-Quadras & Ramon IP Law we have provided legal advice on the protection of the DAR’s intellectual property, both from the contractual aspect and through the application for patent rights. In this project we have collaborated with our colleagues from the law firm AVQ Legal and the industrial property agency ZBM Patents.
We are particularly glad, in view of the exceptional situation we are experiencing, to have been able to participate in advising on a project, the exclusive merit of GASN2’s private initiative, which we hope and expect can help to save lives and improve the health of patients affected by this terrible disease, as well as provide effective support to medical and health personnel and alleviate tensions in the public health system. We would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate GASN2 once again for their contribution from the technical field and wish them great success. Also to all those who are working and helping to fight the effects caused by the new infectious agent.