VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON, S.L.P. is a law firm with registered office at Av. Diagonal 435, 5º2ª, 08036, Barcelona, Spain and recorded in the Companies Registry of Barcelona in volume 46675, folio 31, sheet 527392.

Users can contact VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON at the addresses provided on the contact page and at each lawyer’s email address shown in the respective tabs.

Provided below are the legal terms and conditions for use of the firm’s website along with its privacy policy applicable to its communications with users and people who contact the firm or any of its members.

General terms and conditions for use of the website

The website is owned by VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON, S.L.P. Users may access and use the website free of charge, apart from the connection costs charged by the telecommunications operator with which the user has contracted access to the Internet, such access being subject to these general terms and conditions and any regulations that may be applicable. By accessing the website, the user is informed of and accepts these general terms and conditions. If the user does not agree with them, they must refrain from using the website.

The legal services rendered by VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON are governed by the proposal for professional services in both their scope and price. Under no circumstances will these services be offered or rendered through the website. 

Purpose and use of the website by users. Contents

The information posted on this website must be considered by users as of a general scope, of an informative nature and as mere guidance regarding both the purpose and the effects thereof. Moreover, the information serves to describe the firm and its members and the services rendered. The articles commenting on current affairs, doctrine and case law are the opinions of their authors expressed on the date the news items are published and might not reflect the current status of the issues analysed therein.

Under no circumstances may this website be considered a contracting channel. If users are interested in contracting the services of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON and receiving further information, they must contact the firm to receive assistance from the person most suitable to cover their needs and, as appropriate, for the relevant service proposal to be provided through the formal channels set up by VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON.

VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON does not accept any liability for the way users may use the contents of the website. Moreover, it reserves the right to update such contents whenever it deems fit and to delete or restrict them or prevent access thereto on a temporary or permanent basis. Users must refrain from converting, modifying or altering the contents of the publications posted on the website and from attributing the results thereof to the members of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON or to their firm nor may they extract or quote the contents of the website without citing their source.

VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON does not accept any liability for the contents of other websites nor for the users’ expectations regarding the results obtained from this website or the contents of other websites that can be accessed from links or hyperlinks placed on this website. Therefore, the information provided does not imply any explicit or implicit guarantee whatsoever for the results nor the objectives sought when users are browsing the site nor that they are those wanted by the users.

Ownership of the content. Intellectual Property Rights

The rights to use the contents of the website, its design and source code and, in particular, the photographs, images, text, trade marks, trade names and data included therein are held by VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON, with registered office at Av. Diagonal 435, 5º2ª, 08036, Barcelona, Spain. The users are hereby warned that such rights are protected by the applicable laws governing these matters.

Data Protection

The personal data of the users of the website of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON that such users may provide will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy included in section 2 of this disclaimer.

Hyperlinks and links

Any user may place hyperlinks or link mechanisms to the pages of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON’s website; however, they must only point to the home page and no texts, images or graphics included therein may be copied in order to be reproduced on other sites without requesting and obtaining the prior consent of the firm to do so. In accordance with the regulations in force, it is specifically prohibited to create frames or use tools that allow the pages to be seen on another website through internet addresses other than those of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON. Under no circumstances may incorrect or false statements about the firm, any of its partners or employees, its clients or the services it renders be included alongside links to the pages of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON’s website.

VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON reserves the right to prohibit or deactivate a hyperlink to its website if, among other reasons, it considers it is inappropriate, harmful to the firm, its members or third parties, it shows incomplete or partial information or it could lead to error or confusion or associate the firm with other third parties.

The existence of a hyperlink does not imply that there is any relationship between VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON and the third party placing the link, nor does it imply that VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON has granted its consent or acceptance for the linked contents or services or the activities of the third parties that place such links. Even if they obtain the consent of VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON, this fact may not be stated by the party placing the link nor may such party insinuate there is any relationship between VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON and the party that places the link. Failure to fulfil this condition shall result in automatic revocation of the consent granted for such purpose.

Contact us

Any users wishing to contact VIDAL-QUADRAS & RAMON with any query they may have regarding these general terms and conditions or the contents of this website may do so by sending an email to

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions shall be governed by Spanish and EU law and any difference or dispute that may arise shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Barcelona, unless provided otherwise in the applicable regulations, in particular those related to consumer and user protection.


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