Qatar adheres to the international trademark system
A timely reflection: but isn’t what is claimed the object of the invention? Well, not always necessarily
Recently, at an appeal hearing, the following question was asked by the reporting magistrate: “but isn’t the claimed product the invention?” The answer could seem obvious, but perhaps it is not so evident. It deserves some thought. What is claimed is not necessarily the invention. As stated in Articles 69 and 84 of the EPC, …
Qatar adheres to the international trademark system
En mayo, Qatar se adhirió al Protocolo de Madrid.In May Qatar adhered to the Madrid Protocol. The Madrid Protocol is one of the two treaties that compose the Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks. With this accession, Qatar became the 115th member of the Madrid System. As of 3 August, national trademark holders …
Unfair Competition
The use of protective writs in unfair competition cases in Spain
Patents, Unfair Competition
The intersection between competition law and patent law: the fingolimod case
General, Industrial Property, VQR